The BISTA International Student Talent Award focuses on art posters that attract greater attention from the public, causing empathy and inviting deeper involvement among viewers. Posters can be submitted in any of the following categories: culture, stage, public affairs, society, and commerce. However, they must involve artistic expression and experimentation. The BISTA International Student Talent Award will feature a variety of graphic arts through posters and exhibitions that reflect cultural diversity. The Biennale also provides an opportunity for artists to promote their work and for viewers to purchase posters they like.

We look forward to your participation and your inspiring posters.

Organizer: Gallery BI (South Korea)
Co-organizers: Korea Institute of Cultural Product Design (South Korea)
Gwangju Institute of Design Promotion (South Korea)
Mass C&G (South Korea)
Purdue University_ The Patti and Rusty Rueff School of Design, Art, and Performance (USA)
PJAIT Polish-Japanese Academy (Poland)
Moholy-Nagy Art and Design University (Hungary)
Metropolitan University (Hungary)
Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Universitesi (Turkey)
Untar University (Indonesia)
Pradita University (Indonesia)
Poster Blog (Poland)
Wgd (Indonesia)
Poster Territory (USA)

Exhibition Place: Gallery BI _Seongnam, South Korea
Exhibition Dates: August 2 – October 2, 2021
Deadline: June 30, 2021
File format: 960pixels high, RGB, 72 pixels/inch, JPEG
File name: First name_ Last name_ Country_ Poster title
Download these Regulations


1. Awards
The International Jury will present the following awards:
Grand Prix
Honorary mentions
2. Winners of awards will be officially announced on the opening day of the BISTA International Student Talent Award.
3. Award winners will also be posted at on August 2, 2021.
4. Organizer will notify winners by e-mail.
5. 100 finalists posters will be displayed at gallery BI.
6. If there is mutual consent by the relevant international and domestic organizations, selected finalist entries may remain on display longer to the public.

Rules applicable to BISTA International Student Talent Award competition
1. This is an open competition.
2. There are no limitations on the subject matter.
3. Posters qualified for the competition will be selected through a pre-selection process.
4. Posters selected by the 1st Pre-selection Jury will be submitted to the 2nd International Jury for evaluation. The 2nd Jury will also determine the winners of the competition.

Terms and Conditions for participation in the competition
1. Artists can submit up to 3 posters no later than June 30, 2021.
2. Participants must upload poster files and complete the online entry form at
3. Poster submissions for the competition must meet the formal and technical requirements specified in the regulations.
4. The digital versions of the submitted posters will be used by the organizer for the purposes of promoting the Biennale.
5. Posters selected by the Pre-selection Committee for the final stage :
Designers who are chosen will be asked to send physical posters to the organizer by July 30th, 2021.(GMT 24:00)
Biennale Office at the following address :
#215, #216, Bando Ivy Valley, 686, Cheonggyesan-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13105, S. Korea.
6. If necessary, send the fee of print production to the organizer by July 20th, 2021
The fee is $18 (USD) per entry.
(CitiZen National Bank, Korea / Swift Code: CZNBKRSE / 767401 01 362755)

1. The artists retain ownership of the submitted works.
2. The organizer shall be permitted to reproduce the works submitted in publishing through print and online media and various platforms for exhibition and promotion.
3. In case of a copyright dispute, including image theft, plagiarism, the artist shall take all responsibility and legal liability.
4. All posters selected will be available for sale to collectors after the Biennale is over. Artists will receive 10 percent of sales, which is equivalent to approximately 25% of the profits. An agreement details, including the selling price, will be specified between artist and gallery BI prior to the sale.

Biennale Team
President / Founder
Byoungil Sun
_Professor Ph., D. Namseoul University

Hunhyouk Im
_ Professor Emeritus, Kyunghee University
Kyesoo Myung_ Professor Emeritus, Konkuk University

Executive Producer
Mijung Lee
_ Assistant Professor Ph., D. Woosuk University

Communication Director
Eunjin Yu
_ Adjunct Professor, Baekseok University

Sujin Yun
_ Assistant Professor Ph., D. Far East University
Khai Kim_ Adjunct Professor Ph., D. Namseoul University

National Committee
Kumnam Baik (Prof Emer, Sungkyunkwan Univ.)
Sangrak Kim (Prof Emer, Dankook Univ.)
Kumjun Park (President, 601 Bisang)
Chigyu Oh (Prof. Ph., D, Chungnam Univ.)
Dongsik Hong (Prof. Ph., D, Pukyung National Univ.)
Hunjong Jang (Prof. Ph., D, Sunmoon Univ.)
Hoondong Chung (Prof. Ph., D, Dankook Univ.)
Sungjae Kim (Prof. Ph., D, Silla Univ.)

International Committee
Agnieszka Ziemiszewska (PJAIT Univ. /Poland )
Dogan Arslan (İMÜ Univ. / Turkey)
Elmer Sosa (Unarte/ Mexico)
Peter Bankov (AGI/ Russia)
Peter Pocs (Poster Artist/ Hungary)
Rikke Hansen (SDU Kolding Univ./ Denmark)
Hyungjoo A.Kim (Purdue Univ./ USA)
Scott Laserow (Temple Univ./ USA)

Gallery BI (South Korea)
Korea Institute of Cultural Product Design

#215, 216, Bando Ivy Valley, 686, Cheonggyesan-ro,
Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13105, S. Korea.

Only one entry per submission is allowed. 

Additional entries necessitate resubmission and payment of the entry fee.

Corporate Name  Meta Community Group 

CEO Byoung-il Sun

Business Registration No 309-15-61820(Meta Community Group)

Tel +82.10.5276.5312


Address #215, #216, 686, Cheonggyesan-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea(13105)
Copyrightⓒ 2021gallery BI All rights reserved. 

Telecommunication business report number  2021- Seongnam Sujeong - 0690